Lacuna Publishing House | Visual Identity


Muchas gracias a Lourdes García por sus contribuciones al concepto de Lacuna.
      Este proyecto es ficticio pero todos los libros que hemos escogido para esta publicación existen fuera de él. Queremos agradecer su labor a todas las autoras y os recomendamos encarecidamente que busquéis narrativas como estas. Nuestros hábitos de consumo no pueden cambiar la industria, pero sí pueden ayudar a darle una plataforma a las voces que la sociedad no quiere escuchar.

Many thanks to Lourdes García for her contributions to Lacuna's concept.
      This is a fictional project, but all the books that we have chosen for this post exist outside from it. We want to thank the original authors for their work, and we strongly recommend that you seek narratives like these. Our consumer behavior cannot change the industry, but they can help in giving a platform to the voices that society does not want to hear.

Lacuna Publishing House | Visual Identity

Lacuna Publishing House | Visual Identity

Design for an independent publishing house based in Spain, dedicated to sharing and uplifting the work of lesser known authors.
